It describes cloud failover policy, cloud-specific riders and scenarios of halting the damage, fixing the problem, restoring the system, and notifying clients. 本文将介绍云故障转移策略、特定于云的附文,以及阻止损害、修复问题、还原系统和通知客户的场景。
To try to verify dynamic code at compile time would likely walk you straight into the halting problem just like it would for many kinds of tooling. 试图在编译阶段验证动态代码会使你陷入停机问题的漩涡。
However, all such computational systems are subject to a limitation known as the Halting problem. 然而,所有这些计算系统受到的停机问题已知的限制。
Turing applied it to prove the famous halting problem in the computation theory. 图灵应用它证明了计算理论中著名的停机问题。
Reason analysis and solving measures of diesel engine abrupt halting problem for DF_4 locomotive DF4型机车柴油机非正常停机原因分析及解决措施
The halting of DISA 100 supervisory computer is found due to receiving an illegal message undefined in protocols, causing memory management problem of protection manager. Poor error tolerance of protocol processing program is shown. DISA100监控后台机死机的直接原因是接收了协议未规定的非法报文,诱因是保护管理机内存管理出错,反映了规约处理程序容错性不够的问题。
Finally, an example of halting problem in an automotive stamping was used to verify the effectiveness and practicability of the model. 最后以某汽车企业冲压车间的停机问题为例进行实例分析,用实例验证了模型的效果和实用性。
Second, the paper analyzed and discussed the construction of halting problem solving knowledge network from conceptual 、 logical and computable perspective. The networks included causal network model and solution network model. 然后从概念层、逻辑层和可计算层分析讨论了停机问题处理知识网络模型,包括因果网络模型和方案网络模型。